
Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Apple Revolutionizes Educational Textbooks and Digital Publishing with iBooks 2 and iBooks Author
January 19, 2012 by Peter M. Leschner

Apple is revolutionizing book publishing and the educational textbook industry today. They have introduced iBooks 2 and a free publishing program called iBooks Author. Check out the live blog.

Ten Useful iPhone Apps for Real Estate Lawyers
December 29, 2009 by Peter M. Leschner

It is no secret that Apple’s iPhone App Store is a runaway success, with in excess of 100,000 applications currently available and over two billion App downloads by users – those numbers are increasing every day. More and more individuals and enterprises are using the iPhone or iPod touch in their personal lives and for work-related purposes. As a Macintosh and iPhone user and a real estate attorney, I was interested in discovering applications that might prove useful to real estate lawyers. There are many applications in the App Store that might fit into that category. (more…)